Wednesday, January 25, 2006

West of England Families

I have started this group because of the Rootsweb and AOL email protocol conflict made it difficult to use the excellent Bristol_and_Somerset list

This new list and notice board also enables a broader view not restricted by county boundaries

West of England Families: - "For genealogy and help with family history in the West of England, sometimes known as the Southwestern Region, and including Bristol, Bath, the Isles of Scilly, the counties of Avon, Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Gloucestershire, Somerset and Wiltshire.

Bristol people traded and migrated all over the world and the Royal Navy has used the river mouths as achorages for many centuries and we discuss South West Maritime History from the point of view of the families left at home by the mariners and pilots.

The miners of Cornwall and Somerset migrated when the local tin or coal mines were exhausted and many Bristolians have welsh or irish roots.

Black history includes the slave trade and the US soldiers of World War II who are thought to have hundreds, if not thousands, of descendants.
The area is rich in transport history from phoencian traiders sailing the sea, and roman roads connecting with London and later the Avon, the Kennet and the Thames rivers and canals.

The Great Western Railway linked London and Bristol, and even sold tickets to USA by steamship. "


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