Monday, February 26, 2007

transcriptions of Census and other sources for Demark

transcribed Danish census listed and linked to parish and county maps: "Latest update on 10. February 2007

In cooperation with DDA (Dansk Data Arkiv) and the organization DIS Danmark (Databehandling i Slægtsforskning) we bring county maps showing which census records are being transcribed at the moment and which have already been made available in the source transcription project. To get to the maps, click on the square for the desired year and county in the table below."

Dansk Demografisk Database: "Her i Dansk Demografisk Database kan man søge efter oplysninger i forskellige kilder. Man kan søge efter enkeltpersoner, når man har lidt information i forvejen. Desuden skal de personer, man leder efter, findes i databaserne. Der arbejdes hele tiden på at tilføje flere data til databaserne af både frivillige og professionelle."

Dansk Demografisk Database cd-rommer
De indtastede kilder udgives på cd-rom. Se oversigten over cd-rommer med både folketællinger og udvandrerdata. Eller abonnér på vores cd-rommer.

Oversigt over indtastede folketællinger: "
I samarbejde mellem DDA (Dansk Data Arkiv) og DIS-Danmark er nedenfor tilgængeliggjort amtskort, som viser de folketællinger/ årgange, der i forbindelse med Kildeindtastningsprojektet er indtastet eller under indtastning. Oversigtskortene fås ved at klikke på det ønskede felt for amt og årgang i tabellen. Se vejledning m.m. efter denne."

Danish CENSUS transcriptions EMIGRANTS & IMMIGRANTS, DANNEBROGSMÆND, probate indexes from Northern Jutland, a 1771 predecursor of the Danish Census, and St Croix census up to 1911: "in the Danish Demographic Databases you can search for information in different sources. You can search for individuals when you have some information. Furthermore do the persons you are looking for have to be in the databases. The work of adding more records to the databases is a constantly on-going work done primarily by volunteers."

nice danglish

Statens Arkivers Arkivalieronline

The Danish State Archives Filming Centre digitises parish registers and population censuses in order to make images accessible via the Internet. The digitisation project is primarily accomplished through scanning of microfiches and microfilms.

The following population census images are accessible via the Internet.


Available on the Internet


Available on the Internet


Available on the Internet


Available on the Internet


Available on the Internet


Available on the Internet


Available on the Internet




Available on the Internet


Available on the Internet


Available on the Internet

Other population censuses are not included in the project. It should be noted that only population censuses taken in the Kingdom of Denmark will be made available.


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