Friday, April 13, 2007

since 1610 one of Britain's oldest public libraries

Lambeth Palace Library London, England
The database of archives and manuscripts is newly online

The online catalogue of archives and manuscripts is not complete, with new entries being added on a regular basis. It includes descriptions of original records held at the Library and at the Church of England Record Centre.

Use the Catalogue of Archives and Manuscripts

Lambeth Palace Library has separate online catalogues for its collections of printed books, and archives and manuscripts.

The online printed books catalogue includes over 130,000 items held by Lambeth Palace Library. The catalogue contains entries for the entire collections of printed books, prints and periodicals. It does not generally contain records for the Sion College collections, for which card catalogues are available.

Use the Printed Books Catalogue

Lambeth Palace Library is the historic library of the Archbishops of Canterbury and the principal library and record office for the history of the Church of England. The Library focuses on ecclesiastical history, but its rich collections are important for an immense variety of topics from the history of art and architecture to colonial and Commonwealth history, and for innumerable aspects of English social, political and economic history. It is also a significant resource for local history and genealogy. Our source guides provide further information.

The Library was founded as a public library by Archbishop Bancroft in 1610, and its collections have been freely available for research ever since. Using their pages you can explore ther holdings, and find out about visiting the Library and the services available here.

World War I service records Australia

National Archives of Australia - A gift to the nation: "Records of men and women who served with the Australian army in World War I are preserved in the National Archives. In a three-year preservation project, we have digitised 376,000 of these service records.

As a gift to the nation, these records are all available online."
  1. Go to NameSearch.
  2. Enter the family name of the service person – make sure it is the name used at enlistment.
  3. Select World War I from the dropdown menu.
  4. Search.
  5. Display the results of your search. If there are too many, you can refine this search result, and then enter the person’s given names and/or service number.
  6. Use the link to ‘View digital copy’. You can also print a copy of the record.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

mass digitization of historical documents

MARC completes mass digitization of historical documents:

"The history of Guam is going high-tech, thanks to a project sponsored by the Genealogical Society of Utah. Over 200,000 pages of documents currently housed at the Micronesian Area Research Center at the University of Guam have been digitized for preservation and access purposes.

Associate professor Omaira Brunal-Perry says the yearlong endeavor cost an estimated $100,000. 'We're talking about the collection of the judicial records of Guam during the 19th Century in the Spanish era. We're talking about the old land records of the early 20th Century as well as the judicial records during the pre-war Naval administration. So those documents don't have duplicate anywhere else,' she explained.

Brunal-Perry adds that besides the 260 DVDs comprising the collection are being housed in both Utah and locally at UOG. In the future they hope to make the collection available via the Internet as well."

my thanks to:-

Genealogy Librarian News: Family History Library digitizes Guam's Records: "KUAM-TV of Guam reports that the Family History Library (Salt Lake City, UT) has completed the digitization of the historical records of Guam housed at the Micronesian Area Research Center MARC at the University of Guam.

University of Guam - Google Search
Guam - Wikipedia
and from another viewpoint
CIA - The World Factbook -- Guam
Guam was ceded to the US by Spain in 1898. Captured by the Japanese in 1941, it was retaken by the US three years later.
Guam - Google Search

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Midlands History

English Midlands Historical Data Links this is about some excellent web-sites which provide a considerable amount of information free of charge. and societies, libraries and achives
Midlands Historical Data Home Page
a non-profitmaking project focussed on the Midlands - the old counties of Shropshire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire (including Birmingham) and Worcestershire, although we do have a little material from neighbouring counties.

All close to me but none of my own ancestors come from here

disaster at the National Archives in Kew

News | The National Archives announces its partner in digitising the 1911 census:
"The National Archives is delighted to announce that ScotlandOnline will partner the UK government´s official archive in the forthcoming project to put the 1911 census for England and Wales online.

The 1911 census (document references RG 14 and RG 78) is huge - it currently occupies 2 kilometres of shelving at The National Archives. Comprising over eight million householder schedules and a further 38,000 enumerators´ summary books, it details information relating to approximately 35 million people then living in England and Wales. "

Dr Richard Callison of Scotland Online, said:

"The 1911 census records will provide a mine of important historical information and I´m delighted that The National Archives has chosen to work with Scotland Online on this momentous project. We have a strong track record in the field of genealogy, having worked in partnership with the General Register Office for Scotland since 2002 to publish almost 50 million pages of Scottish historical records, all of which are now available to view online."


"We work in partnership with Microsoft and Oracle to deliver business critical applications using the latest technologies. "
About Scotland Online - Scotland Online

I cannot speak for the quality of the transcriptions because the service is too expensive for me as an OAP on a tiny budget

WAS THIS PUT OUT FOR TENDER according to European rules?

"Scotland Online" - Google Search

Dictionary of First Names

AskOxford: "Search the Concise Dictionary of First Names to find out what your name really means or to choose the name for your new baby. From Aaron and Abigail to Zinnia and Zola, this dictionary of over 6,000 names, is both a valuable reference resource and a delight to browse. "

and that was from an excellent faerose page of links about names in the the north - - Fólkanøvn - - just click on the links to find out what they all mean

Leinki til norðurlendskar fólkanavnalistar

Danski fólkanavnalistin:

Grønlendski fólkanavnalistin:
Angutit aqqi akuerisat / Godkendte drengenavne
Arnat aqqi akuerisat / Godkendte pigenavne

Íslendski fólkanavnalistin:
Mannanafnaskrá: Stúlkur
Mannanafnaskrá: Drengir

Onnur fólkanavnaleinki

Hagtøl um fornøvn og eftirnøvn í Danmark (Danmarks Statistik)
Hagtøl um fornøvn og eftirnøvn í Noregi (Statistisk sentralbyrå)
Hagtøl um fornøvn í Íslandi (Hagstofa Íslands)
Hagtøl um fornøvn og eftirnøvn í Svøríki (Statistiska centralbyrån)

Behind the Name - the Etymology and History of First Names
Concise Dictionary of First Names

734 konufólkanøvn og 850 mannfólkanøvn

Konufólkanøvn: A Á B D E F G H I Í J K L M N O Ó P R S T U Ú V Y Ý Æ
Mannfólkanøvn: A Á B D E F G H I Í J K L M N O Ó P R S T U Ú V Y Æ Ø

V.U. Hammershaimbs gøtu 16
Postsmoga 272
110 Tórshavn
telefon +298-352520
telefaks +298-352521

The Official Guide to RootsWeb

RootsWeb Newsroom: "the first-ever RootsWeb Store! And what better way to celebrate the unveiling of the store than with The Official Guide to RootsWeb, now available for download and pre-order? Not only can you purchase the print and e-book versions of The Guide, but you can also find thousands of books, historical photographs, software titles, and gifts to supplement your family history research."

they are using LULU pod:- - Self Publishing - FreeLooking for self publishing resources? lets you publish and sell and print on demand books, e-books, online music, images, custom calendars and ...

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

swedish conscription records

KRIGSARKIVET Soldatregister: "

Krigsarkivet samarbetar med ett flertal regionala soldatregister. Soldatregistren har som målsättning att upprätta datoriserade register med uppgifter om de indelta soldaterna och båtsmännen, deras familjer och boendeförhållanden. I många fall går det att vända sig till dessa register och mot avgift få databassökningar gjorda. Nedan följer adresser till dessa register. Sök även soldater direkt på Internet i Centrala Soldatregistret eller Soldatregistret Södermanland ."
"Centrala soldatregistret" - Google Search

DIS: The Central Soldiers Register - Searchform: "An agreement was made between Centrala Soldatregistret, through Björn Lippold, and Föreningen DIS, through Sture Bjelkåker.

DIS is responsible for making the register available on the internet and for questions of technical nature, while questions on the content are answered by Centrala Soldatregistret in Skövde."

Centrala Soldatregistret - Historik: "Gustaf Vasa försökte under hela sin regeringstid att komma tillrätta med försvarets dyra legosoldater. Han ville ha en armé som snabbt gick att mobilisera, samtidigt som kostnaderna för statskassan skulle vara så små som möjligt.
Dackefejden visade bland annat att bondeskarorna kunde utgöra ett hot mot kungen och statsmakten. Detta i sin tur gjorde att Gustav Vasa startade en rekrytering av unga, ogifta karlar till tjänst i en nationell armé. Tanken väcktes att införa en armé där befäl och soldater genom allmogens försorg, skulle avlönas med ett torp samt ett stycke mark.
I Krigsfolksordningen 1619 stadgades att krigsmakten skulle förses med inhemskt krigsfolk, genom att skriva ut var tionde man i landet. Det blev då böndernas egna förtroendemän, sexmännen, som fick stort inflytande över utskrivningarna. Många av de som skrevs ut valde att leja bort sin tjänst .
För att kronan även i fortsättningen skulle få sin skatt och jorden fortsätta att brukas togs nästan aldrig jordägande bönder ut till krigstjänst. Detta medförde dock att den svenska armén i början av 1630-talet fortfarande innehöll ca 90 % utländska legosoldater och endast ca 10 % inhemska soldater."

DearMYRTLE is alive and well and blogging

DearMYRTLE, your friend in genealogy:
"From: APG Mailing List on behalf of Cat Nielsen


I recently returned from a trip to the FHL. Several of my Adult Ed Students accompanied me, and we had planned for the trip over a 6 month period of time. I was there to guide them in their research and do some professional work as well. Prior to the trip they had used the local FHC,,, Heritage Quest, our State Library, a National Archives Branch, and genealogy collections at local public libraries. We were disappointed to learn that planned to 'pull the plug' on the FHL the week we would be there, but were too far in the planning to not go.

In past years, I could log into my personal Ancestry account because the Plaza Hotel threw out a strong enough signal that I wirelessly accessed the internet from my film reader location. It was slower than the libraries internal network, but it worked. That signal has been tightened, and was not an option this trip.

I found the new wireless access at the library to be great. We could check the Library
catalog from our own PC's, and not have to wait for one of the library machines. At one point it was suggested I email a parish in Europe for the information I needed. I could compose the message on my laptop, accessing the foreign language dictionaries I have on it. "


"It was a great opportunity to wean my students off the internet as the preferred tool for genealogy research. They got into the books, they read the film, and in one case when the local film was impossible to read, we worked together to find an alternate source which turned out to be a state index. They found where to write for the information they need, and they also found alternate web sites to use to find the information they needed.

Now, as an individual subscriber, am I appalled by how Ancestry has treated me. Most definitely. There is nothing in MY contract with Ancestry that says I can access my account anywhere in the world via the internet, except at the FHL or FHC. Would any of us subscribe if that was a provision? Did Ancestry notify us in advance of a change in services
agreement? What, they forgot to slip that tidbit into one of their many mailings!"

blog on ancestry dot com

24-7 Family History Circle

The Ancestry Weekly Journal is posted weekly on this blog, along with some unique content. At 24/7 Family History Circle, you’ll find helpful tips (from readers and from our regular columnists), how-to articles, research stories, and whatever else the long-time newsletter editor, Juliana Smith , thinks might be of interest.

Restore this Cemetery

Restore St. Mary's Cemetery: "RESTORE ST. MARY'S
Is a project to restore the desecrated cemeteries of the
historic town of San Buenaventura (now Ventura)
which include the: St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery (est. 1862),
Ventura (aka Protestant) Cemetery (est. 1889), and
Hebrew Cemetery (est. 1895)"
(beware of bagpipes)

St. Mary's Cemetery Records - City Clerk:
more St. Mary's Cemetery Records - City Clerk

"This burial record was compiled from the old original cemetery map on file in the City Engineer’s office under map index number P-47 and also the old sexton record books on file in the City Clerk's office.

In all probability these are the only records in existence. I was unable to locate any burial records between the dates of March 30, 1894 and March 30, 1903. However, upon a search of the cemetery lots, several headstones and other markers were found giving evidence of burials between these dates. These names and corresponding Block and Lot numbers were entered in this book. From this smae[small] search a few errors were found in the old records as to correct locations. These errors were corrected and noted in both sets of books.

To the best of my knowledge, this record is a complete and true one of all the burials in the old Protestant Cemetery, except those burials between the dates before mentioned.

/s/ Clyde Wooley, Assistant City Engineer 1942

The information regarding the records of Cemetery Park has been provided to Ivy Lawn by the City Clerk's Office. This Word document was put in Excel format to allow me to change some of the columns that are not necessary for Ivy Lawn's records. This listing will allow us to assist families locate loved ones. The interment records at Ivy Lawn allowed us to document on this report the names we"

Poll Books

Poll Books: "Poll books were published from the late 1600s onwards, right through into the late 1800s.

Not only were polls not secret, lists of people were published, together with how they voted. Poll books often also contain their qualification for being able to vote, together with the address of the person.

In general, one had to be a freeholder in order to vote. An owner of land or of a house. Some records also remain of the additions and removals from the lists of those entitled to vote, together with qualifications for being able to vote, but these are very rare.

The Sheriff's Lists are books compiled annually containing the names and residences of every male freeholder in his county. This was for the purposes of summoning juries. Where they survive, they also compliment the Poll Books for lists of freeholders." Search Portal Search Portal
with many links to US databases

for example this VitalSearch-California(USA):California State Vital Records has been off line for 3 days seems to be OK again

Monday, April 09, 2007

Hampshire Genealogy

A directory of Internet sites for Hampshire and Isle of Wight genealogy
Compiled by Alan McGowan

Welcome to Knightroots a website on the Knight family and an online Hampshire genealogical resource. We are Linda and Tony Knight and we live near Southampton, United Kingdom.