Saturday, May 24, 2008

New familysarch

Shoebox Genealogy: "3) Poor sourcing practices
The sourcing currently used by NFS is sloppy, and unbecoming, though it tries hard to look impressive.

Try printing out a family group sheet from NFS of anyone who lived over a hundred years ago.
It will likely give about 2 or 3 pages of family information (poorly arranged)
and then about 5 pages of the church’s source information.

This information is useless. 99.999% of people, especially genealogists, could care less about how many hundreds of times the individual was in the IGI.
Reduce, if not eliminate, the LDS source repetition.

This also goes for viewing the notes and sources on the screen. Representing each different source with the number of times it is contained in a particular database would be sufficient,"


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